Loughborough University

Riverine fine sediment content and hyporheic physicochemistry and macroinvertebrate data associated with an artificial flood in Switzerland

posted on 2021-09-21, 10:25 authored by Kate MathersKate Mathers, Christopher Robinson, Christine Weber
Data provided is primary data collected in Swiss National Park to investigate the effects of an artificial flood pulse on fine sediment content and hyporheic physicochemical and hyporheic macroinvertebrate communities. The following explains the data.

Sediment - this relates to fine sediment content of the river bed collected using the resuspension stilling well method collected before and after the artificial flood. Columns as follows:

Site - Site ID - 1-4
Sediment - fine sediment content (g/m2)
Type - 1 is surface content and 2 is total fine sediment content with the shallow interstitial pore space included (<5 cm)
Time - 1 is before the artificial flood, 2 is immediately after artificial flood and 3 is 10 months after artificial flood
Sample provides a unique sample ID
Replicate - 5 replicate samples per site per type per time

Hyp_physicochemical - this relates to hyporheic physicohemical data collected by the bou rouche method before and after the artificial flood and corresponds to the hyporheic macroinvertebrate data provided. Columns as follows:

Less 2mm- total dry weight of particles <2000μm - > 500μm
2-1mm - dry weight of particles in the fraction <2000μm - >1000μm
less 1mm- dry weight of particles in the fraction <2000μm - >500μm
pH - pH of the 5L of water extracted
ppm - total dissolved solids (TDS, ppm)
Conductivity - conductivity (μS cm-1) of the 5 L of water extracted
Temperature - water temperature (°c) of the 5 L of water extracted
Oxygen - dissolved oxygen content (mg l-1) of the 5 L of water extracted
delta - difference between water level of stream and water level in bou rouche. If delta is positive = upwelling, if negative = downwelling.
VHG - vertical hydraulic gradient
Depth - sampled at 0.25 or 0.50 m below river bed
Sample provides a unique sample ID

Hyp_invert - this relates to hyporheic macroinvertebrate data collected by the bou rouche method before and after the artificial flood. Samples were identified to lowest taxonomic resolution, mainly species or genus. Columns as follows:

Site - Site ID 1-4
Depth - sampled at 0.25 or 0.50 m below river bed
Time - 1 is before the artificial flood, 2 is 1 day after artificial flood and 3 is 7 days after artificial flood.
Sample provides a unique sample ID


Wasserbau und Ökologie programme funded by the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) Grant 16.0113.PJ/P501-1050



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