Loughborough University

Supplementary Information files for: The association of basic numerical abilities and math achievement: The mediating role of visuospatial and arithmetical abilities

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posted on 2022-01-31, 15:21 authored by Franziska Rebholz, Jessika Golle, Korbinian MoellerKorbinian Moeller
Supplementary Information files for: The association of basic numerical abilities and math achievement: The mediating role of visuospatial and arithmetical abilities
Basic numerical abilities such as number line estimation have been observed repeatedly to be associated with mathematical achievement. Recently, it was argued that the association between basic numerical abilities and mathematical achievement is fully mediated by visuospatial abilities. However, arithmetical abilities have not yet been considered as influencing this association, even though solution strategies in number line estimation as well as mathematical achievement often involve arithmetical procedures. Therefore, we investigated the mediating role of arithmetical and visuospatial abilities on the association between number line estimation and mathematical achievement in a sample of n = 599 German elementary school students. Results indicated that arithmetical abilities as well as visuospatial abilities mediated the association between number line estimation and mathematical achievement. However, neither visuospatial nor arithmetical abilities fully mediated the association between number line estimation and mathematical achievement when considered in isolation. This substantiates the relevance of the intertwined development of visuospatial and arithemtical abilities as well as basic numerical abilities such as number line estimation (i.e. the combination of domain-specific numerical and domain-general abilities) driving mathematical achievement


LEAD Graduate School & Research Network (GSC 1028)



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  • Mathematics Education Centre