Supplementary information files for "A replicate crossover trial on the inter-individual variability of sleep indices in response to acute exercise undertaken by healthy men"
Supplementary files for article "A replicate crossover trial on the inter-individual variability of sleep indices in response to acute exercise undertaken by healthy men"
Study objective: Using the necessary replicate-crossover design, we investigated whether there is inter-individual variability in home-assessed sleep in response to acute exercise.
Methods: Eighteen healthy men (mean(SD): 26(6) years) completed two identical control (8-h laboratory rest, 08:45-16:45) and two identical exercise (7-h laboratory rest; 1-h laboratory treadmill run [62(7)% peak oxygen uptake], 15:15-16:15) trials in randomised sequences. Wrist-worn actigraphy (MotionWatch 8) measured home-based sleep (total sleep time, actual wake time, sleep latency, sleep efficiency) two nights before (nights 1-2) and three nights after (nights 3-5) the exercise/control day. Pearson’s correlation coefficients quantified the consistency of individual differences between the replicates of control-adjusted exercise responses to explore: (1) immediate (night 3 minus night 2); (2) delayed (night 5 minus night 2); and (3) overall (average post-intervention minus average pre-intervention) exercise- related effects. Within-participant linear mixed models and a random-effects between- participant meta-analysis estimated participant-by-trial response heterogeneity.
Results: For all comparisons and sleep outcomes, the between-replicate correlations were non-significant, ranging from trivial-to-moderate (r range = -0.44 to 0.41, P≥0.065). Participant-by-trial interactions were trivial. Individual differences SDs were small, prone to uncertainty around the estimates indicated by wide 95% confidence intervals and did not provide support for true individual response heterogeneity. Meta-analyses of the between-participant, replicate-averaged condition effect revealed that, again, heterogeneity (τ) was negligible for most sleep outcomes.
Conclusion: Control-adjusted sleep in response to acute exercise was inconsistent when measured on repeated occasions. Inter-individual differences in sleep in response to exercise4 were small compared to the natural (trial-to-trial) within-subject variability in sleep outcomes.
© The Authors, CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences (Saudi Arabia)
National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Leicester Biomedical Research Centre (United Kingdom)
- Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences