posted on 2021-10-08, 09:04authored byKevin Conley, Shima Moosakhani, Vaibhav Thakore, Yanling Ge, Joonas Lehtonen, Mikko Karttunen, Simo-Pekka Hannula, Tapio Ala-NissilaTapio Ala-Nissila
Supplementary files for article: Silica-silicon composites for near-infrared reflection: A comprehensive computational and experimental study.
Compact layers containing embedded semiconductor particles consolidated using pulsed electric current sintering exhibit intense, broadband near-infrared reflectance. The composites consolidated from nano- or micro-silica powder have a different porous microstructure which causes scattering at the air-matrix interface and larger reflectance primarily in the visible region. The 3 mm thick composite compacts reflect up to 72% of the incident radiation in the near-infrared region with a semiconductor microinclusion volume fraction of 1% which closely matches predictions from multiscale Monte Carlo modeling and Kubelka-Munk theory. Further, the calculated spectra predict a reddish tan compact with improved reflectance can be obtained by decreasing the average particle size or broadening the standard deviation. The high reflectance is achieved with minimal dissipative losses and facile manufacturing, and the composites described herein are well-suited to control the radiative transfer of heat in devices at high temperature and under harsh conditions.
Academy of Finland project 314488 and QTF Centre of Excellence program (312298, KC and TAN)