The STAMINA study: questionnaire for survey 1
The STAMINA study examined the nutritional risks of low-income peri-urban mothers, infants and young children (IYC), and households in Peru during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study was designed to capture information through three, repeated cross-sectional surveys at approximately 6 month intervals over an 18 month period, starting in December 2020. The surveys were carried out by telephone in November-December 2020, July-August 2021 and in February-April 2022. The third survey took place over a longer period to allow for a household visit after the telephone interview. The study areas were Manchay (Lima) and Huánuco district in the Andean highlands (~ 1900m above sea level). In each study area, we purposively selected the principal health centre and one subsidiary health centre. Peri-urban communities under the jurisdiction of these health centres were then selected to participate. Systematic random sampling was employed with quotas for IYC age (6-11, 12-17 and 18-23 months) to recruit a target sample of 250 mother-infant pairs for each survey. Data collected included: household socio-demographic characteristics; infant and young child feeding practices (IYCF), child and maternal qualitative 24-hour dietary recalls/7 day food frequency questionnaires, household food insecurity experience measured using the validated Food Insecurity Experience Scale (FIES) survey module (Cafiero, Viviani, & Nord, 2018), and maternal mental health. In addition, questions that assessed the impact of COVID-19 on households including changes in employment status, adaptations to finance, sources of financial support, household food insecurity experience as well as access to, and uptake of, well-child clinics and vaccination health services were included. This folder includes the questionnaire for survey 1 in both English and Spanish languages. The corresponding dataset and dictionary of variables for survey 1 are available at 10.17028/rd.lboro.18785666. |
This study was supported by UK GCRF-Newton Fund Agile Response to COVID-19 (EP/V034057/1)
- Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences