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The STAMINA study: questionnaire for survey 2

posted on 2022-12-16, 15:35 authored by Emily RoushamEmily Rousham, Rebecca PradeillesRebecca Pradeilles, Rossina Pareja, Hilary Creed Kanashiro

The STAMINA unbalanced panel study was designed to examine the nutritional risks of low-income peri-urban mothers, infants and young children (IYC), and households in Peru during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study was designed to capture information through repeated cross-sectional surveys (n=3) at approximately 6 month intervals over an 18 month period, starting in December 2020. The surveys were carried out by telephone in November-December 2020, July-August 2021 and in February-April 2022. The third survey took place over a longer period to allow for a household visit after the telephone interview. 

The targeted areas were Manchay (Lima) and Huánuco district in the Andean highlands (~ 1900m above sea level). 

In each study area, we purposively selected the principal health centre and one subsidiary health centre. Peri-urban communities under the jurisdiction of these health centres were then selected to participate. The sampling strategy (i.e. systematic random quota sampling according to IYC age (6-11, 12-17 and 18-23 months) targeting n=250 mother infant dyads) for the different surveys of the STAMINA study was set to match the sampling of a pre-COVID-19 survey conducted from December to early March 2020 (PERUSANO study). Sampling for both the STAMINA and PERUSANO studies has been described in detail elsewhere (Pradeilles et al. 2022). Additional information on the PERUSANO quantitative survey can be found here 10.17028/rd.lboro.c.6329105.

Data collected included: household socio-demographic characteristics; infant and young child feeding practices (IYCF), child and maternal qualitative 24-hour dietary recalls/7 day food frequency questionnaires, household food insecurity experience measured using the validated Food Insecurity Experience Scale (FIES) survey module (Cafiero, Viviani, & Nord, 2018) and maternal mental health. In addition, questions that assessed the impact of COVID-19 on households including changes in employment status, adaptations to finance, sources of financial support, household food insecurity experience as well as access to, and uptake of, well-child clinics and vaccination health services were included. 

This folder includes the questionnaire for survey 2 in both English and Spanish languages. 

The corresponding dataset and data dictionary for survey 2 are available at  10.17028/rd.lboro.21740699 .


This study was supported by UK GCRF-Newton Fund Agile Response to COVID-19 (EP/V034057/1)



  • Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences

Ethics review number

Ethical approval was obtained from IIN, Peru (ref 270-2020/PROY.367) and Loughborough University (ref 1926). Registration with the National Institute of Health under the requirement for all studies related to COVID-19 (PRISA ref EI00000001577).