Loughborough University

'Towards a New Sociology of the Text: The Concept of the Author in the Digital Age' Coded 'Author' Word Associations

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posted on 2019-04-04, 12:48 authored by Leah Henrickson
The coded results of an 'author' word association exercises included in an online reader response questionnaire entitled 'Towards a New Sociology of the Text: The concept of the Author in the Digital Age'. A copy of the questionnaire and its raw results is available at https://doi.org/10.17028/rd.lboro.7447352.v1.

500 participants were asked to 'List three things that come to mind when you think of the word "author". Results were according according to 'author' as: (a) identity; (b) connotations; (c) output; and (d) process.

This dataset was amassed as part of a doctoral research project to discern the social and literary implications of natural language generation and computer-generated texts.

Prior to beginning the questionnaire, participants agreed that 'I understand that anonymised quotes may be used in publications, reports, web pages, and other research outputs.' Participants were informed that '[t]he [questionnaire] results will be submitted to Loughborough University as part of a PhD thesis and disseminated via relevant academic/popular publications and/or conferences.'
