Loughborough University

Supplementary information files for 'A joint velocity-intermittency analysis reveals similarity in the vertical structure of atmospheric and hydrospheric canopy turbulence'

posted on 2019-10-01, 08:40 authored by Chris KeylockChris Keylock, Marco Ghisalberti, Gabriel G Kaful, Heidi M Nepf
Supplementary information files for 'A joint velocity-intermittency analysis reveals similarity in the vertical structure of atmospheric and hydrospheric canopy turbulence'

Turbulent fow through and over vegetation continues to draw signifcant research attention given its relevance to a plethora of applications in earth and environmental science. Canopy fows are characterized by three-dimensional coherent vortical motions not directly accessible from single-point measurements, which pose a challenge to formalizing links between vegetation structure and turbulent motion. A joint velocity-intermittency technique is applied to velocity data collected within and above aquatic vegetation in a hydraulic fume and above a forested canopy. The approach reveals behavior that provides greater insight into canopy fow dynamics than may be inferred from the vertical profles of mean velocity, turbulence intensity and Reynolds stresses, which are the quantities usually studied. There is a remarkable similarity in the structure of such fows between the forest canopy and the fume study despite large diferences in morphology and stem rigidity. In particular, these results determine an outer fow type arising above 1.5 canopy heights, while turbulent in-rushing events are most signifcant at the zero-plane displacement. The approach also implies ways in which improved models for canopy turbulence may be developed.



  • Architecture, Building and Civil Engineering