Phased mission analysis is carried out to predict the reliability of systems which
undergo a series of phases, each with differing requirements for success, with the mission
objective being achieved only on the successful completion of all phases. Many systems from
a range of industries experience such missions. The methods used for phased mission
analysis are dependent upon the repairability of the system during the phases. If the system
is non-repairable, fault-tree-based methods offer an efficient solution. For repairable systems,
Markov approaches can be used.
This paper is concerned with the analysis of non-repairable systems. When the
phased mission failure causes are represented using fault trees, it is shown that the binary
decision diagram (BDD) method of analysis offers advantages in the solution process.
A new way in which BDD models can be efficiently developed for phased mission analysis
is proposed. The paper presents a methodology by which the phased mission models can
be developed and analysed to produce the phase failure modes and the phase failure
Aeronautical, Automotive, Chemical and Materials Engineering
Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering
DUNNETT, S.J. and ANDREWS, J.D., 2006. A binary decision diagram method for phased mission analysis of non-repairable systems. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O : Journal of Risk and Reliability, 220 (2), pp. 93-104 [DOI: 10.1243/1748006XJRR27]