Models are at the heart of science and engineering. Model-based approaches to software development and systems engineering use technologies to include graphical modeling languages, such as the Systems Modeling Language, that support system design and analysis through machine readable models. This paper traces key historical contributions of software and systems engineers over the past five decades to show a coherent concept of models and how they can be used for software and systems engineering. Recent model-based systems engineering methodologies supported by commercially available modeling tools are also summarized. Relational orientation is seen to be the underlying viewpoint that expresses and binds these approaches. Relational orientation for systems engineering (ROSE) is then specified using a general systems methodology. Systems are seen to access each other's models in ROSE much like classes in object orientation access each other's objects. Object-oriented frames for software engineering are extended to relational frames to specify an innovative framework for system design and analysis. This generalizes the axiomatic design approach of N. P. Suh. A repeatable procedure supporting greater concurrency between design and verification is also demonstrated for searching the solution space in linear axiomatic design.
Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering
DICKERSON, C.E. and MAVRIS, D.N., 2013. A brief history of models and model based systems engineering and the case for relational orientation. IEEE Systems Journal, 7 (4), pp.581-592.