Energy use in the home is a major source of carbon emissions and is highly dependent on the
activities of the residents. More specifically, the timing of energy use, particularly electricity, is
highly dependent on the timing of the occupants’ activities. Thus, in order to model domestic
demand profiles with high temporal resolution, for example in the context of designing and
assessing demand side management systems (including the time-shifting of demand), it is of
great benefit to take account of residents’ behaviour in terms of when they are likely to be using
household appliances, lighting and heating. This paper presents a thorough and detailed
method for generating realistic occupancy data for UK households, based upon surveyed timeuse
data describing what people do and when. The approach presented generates statistical
occupancy time-series data at a ten-minute resolution and takes account of differences between
weekdays and weekends. The model also indicates the number of occupants that are active
within a house at a given time, which is important for example in order to model the sharing of
energy use (shared use of appliances etc.) The data from the model can be used as input to
any domestic energy model that uses occupancy time-series as a base variable, or any other
application that requires detailed occupancy data. The model has been implemented in Excel
and is available for free download.
Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering
Research Unit
Centre for Renewable Energy Systems Technology (CREST)
RICHARDSON, I., THOMSON, M. and INFIELD, D., 2008. A high-resolution domestic building occupancy model for energy demand simulations. Energy and Buildings, 40 (8), pp.1560-1566