The pharmaceutical industry has historically benefited from high profit margins for their
products, and over the years limited efforts have been made to change the main manufacturing
concept from batch into continuous. However, over the last decade, as a result of an increased
demand for more efficient and cost-effective processes, interest has grown in the application
of continuous manufacturing to address economical and technical issues in the pharmaceutical
field. This option is becoming more viable particularly with the implementation of new process
analytical technology (PAT).
In this paper, we present a plant-wide mathematical model inspired by a recently developed
continuous pharmaceutical pilot plant. This model is first used to simulate a basecase which
shows typical limitations in achieving simultaneously high productivity and quality. The main
critical quality attribute considered is the purity of the final product. To alleviate the basecase
limitations and improve the pilot plant performance, the effects of several design parameters
are investigated and the most critical are identified. In addition, alternative start-up scenarios
To whom correspondence should be addressed
are considered to improve the transient performance of the pilot plant, particularly time to
steady state. The environmental footprint of the pilot plant is evaluated and shown to be low.
Continuous pharmaceutical manufacturing, Plant-wide dynamic model, Computer aided process
design, Start-up, Recycling.
Aeronautical, Automotive, Chemical and Materials Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Published in
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research
15393 - 15412
BENYAHIA, B., LAKERVELD, R. and BARTON, P.I., 2012. A plant-wide dynamic model of a continuous pharmaceutical process. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 51 (47), pp.15393-15412.