Loughborough University

A polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell model with multi-species input

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journal contribution
posted on 2009-04-17, 15:10 authored by Pratap Rama, Rui Chen, Rob Thring
With the emerging realization that low temperature, low pressure polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) technologies can realistically serve for power-generation of any scale, the value of comprehensive simulation models becomes equally evident. Many models have been successfully developed over the last two decades. One of the fundamental limitations among these models is that up to only three constituent species have been considered in the dry pre-humidified anode and cathode inlet gases, namely oxygen and nitrogen for the cathode and hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and carbon monoxide for the anode. In order to extend the potential of theoretical study and to bring the simulation closer towards reality, in this research, a 1D steady-state, low temperature, isothermal, isobaric PEMFC model has been developed. The model accommodates multi-component diffusion in the porous electrodes and therefore offers the potential to further investigate the effects of contaminants such as carbon monoxide on cell performance. The simulated model polarizations agree well with published experimental data. It opens a wider scope to address the remaining limitations in the future with further developments.



  • Aeronautical, Automotive, Chemical and Materials Engineering


  • Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering


RAMA, P., CHEN, R. and THRING, R.H., 2005. A polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell model with multi-species input. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, 219(4), pp. 255-271.


© IMechE / Professional Engineering Publishing


  • VoR (Version of Record)

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This article has been published in the journal, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy [© PEP]. The definitive version is available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1243/095765005X7600




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