Based on data collected from in-depth interviews with twelve experienced clients and nineteen experienced architects, a generic tool for the formal assessment of contractor performance is presented. Because of the unique characteristics and interdependence of the construction project coalition (i.e. architect, client and contractor), it was found that this approach to performance assessment should lead to improved relationships among the coalition. Findings revealed that cost, time and quality remain the most important performance criteria. However, other ‘softer’ measures of contractor performance were also found to be of important. These ‘softer’ measures were found to influence the nature and quality of relationships. It is recommended that the tool be used to promote more effective contractor performance and enhance relationships enabling continuous improvement. The ultimate aim is to develop similar tools for the assessment of all coalition participants based on a culture of openness and trust.
Architecture, Building and Civil Engineering
Published in
Journal of Construction Procurement
48 - 63 (16)
SOETANTO, R., PROVERBS, D.G. and COOPER, P., 2002. A tool for assessing contractor performance. Journal of Construction Procurement, 8 (1), pp.48 -63.
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