The Travelling Librarian award, generously provided
by the English-Speaking Union and CILIP
(Chartered Institute of Library and Information
Professionals), made possible for me a two-week
visit to eight university libraries in New England
and North Carolina.
The universities visited were: Massachusetts Institute
of Technology (MIT), Tufts, Boston University,
Brown, Brandeis, Dartmouth College, North Carolina
State and Duke. These universities all scored
very highly for research intensity on the Carnegie
Foundation website.1
My role at Loughborough carries responsibility
for research support. Since I had previously
benchmarked levels of research support offered
in some UK institutions,2 the Travelling Librarian
award offered me an opportunity to see how
the libraries of prestigious, well-funded research
universities in the US serve researchers and
to identify best practice. The findings are now
informing service provision at Loughborough
University library.
University Academic and Administrative Support
University Library
LUND, P., 2010. A travelling librarian: lessons learnt from a study visit to libraries serving research-intensive universities in the USA. SCONUL Focus, 50, pp.61-65.
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