This article considers a stochastic vehicle routing problem with probability constraints. The
probability that customers are served before their (uncertain) deadlines must be higher than a
pre-specified target. It is unrealistic to expect that the perfect knowledge on the probability
distributions of deadlines is always available. To this end, we propose a distributionally robust optimisation framework to study worst bounds of the problem, which exploits the moment
information of the historical observations. This framework includes two steps. We first use Conditional Value-at-Risk (CVaR) as a risk approximation to the probability of missing customer
deadlines. The resulting nonlinear model is then transformed into a semi-infinite mixed integer
program, using the dual form of the CVaR approximation. A sample approximation approach
is then used to address the computational challenges. As the standard CVaR approximation to
probability constraints is rather conservative, we suggest a relaxation to the approximation and
develop an iterative algorithm to find the right value of the parameter that is introduced to the
relaxed CVaR constraints. The extensive numerical experiments show that the routing policies developed by the proposed solution framework are robust and able to achieve the required
target, regardless of deadline distributions.
Shenzhen Fundamental Research Program (JCYJ 20190808164605481)
National Science Foundation of China (No. 71501127, 11871276)
This paper was accepted for publication in the journal European Journal of Operational Research and the definitive published version is available