Loughborough University

Acceptability and design of video-based research on healthcare communication: evidence and recommendations

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journal contribution
posted on 2016-04-22, 10:15 authored by Ruth Parry, Marco PinoMarco Pino, Christina Faull, Luke Feathers
Objectives: To contribute to understandings about acceptability and risks entailed in video-based research on healthcare communication. To generate recommendations for non-covert video-based research on healthcare communication with a focus on maximising its acceptability to participants, and managing and reducing its risks. Methods: A literature review and synthesis of (a) empirical research on participant acceptability and risks of video recording; (b) regulations of professional and governmental bodies; (c) reviews and commentaries; (d) guidance and recommendations. These were gathered across several academic and professional fields (including medical, educational, and social scientific). Results: 36 publications were included in the review and synthesis (7 regulatory documents, 7 empirical, 4 reviews/commentaries, 18 guidance/recommendations). In the context of research aiming in some way to improve healthcare communication: Most people regard video-based research as acceptable and worthwhile, whilst also carrying risks. Concerns that recording could be detrimental to healthcare delivery are not confirmed by existing evidence. Numerous procedures to enhance acceptability and feasibility have been documented, and our recommendations collate these. Conclusion and practice implications: The recommendations are designed to support deliberations and decisions about individual studies and to support ethical scrutiny of proposed research studies. Whilst preliminary, it is nevertheless the most comprehensive and detailed currently available.


This research was supported in its initial stages by the University of Nottingham, including via a Research Development Fund grant from the University of Nottingham Centre for Advanced Studies; later stages of work were funded by The Health Foundation via an Insight grant RU33. The Health Foundation funded open access publication for this paper. From January 2015 onwards, Dr Parry’s work, including in finalising this report, was supported by National Institute for Health Research Career Development Fellowship award CDF-2014-07-046. This report presents independent research partially funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR).



  • Social Sciences


  • Communication, Media, Social and Policy Studies

Published in

Patient Education and Counseling


PARRY, R. ... et al, 2016. Acceptability and design of video-based research on healthcare communication: evidence and recommendations. Patient Education and Counseling, 96, pp. 1271-1284.


Elsevier Ireland / © The Authors


  • VoR (Version of Record)

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This is an Open Access article published by Elsevier and distributed under the terms of the CC BY-NC- ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).




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