As a minimum, how much do rural households need to be able to afford adequate transport? This paper is drawn from the Minimum Income Standards (MIS) research programme, which primarily involves groups of members of the public reaching consensus about what households need for a minimum, socially acceptable standard of living. The paper looks at the additional needs and costs of rural households, compared with their urban counterparts, and focuses on the methodology used to research these costs. This discussion is framed in terms of transport disadvantage, and the Capability Approach. The results of the research are presented: how travel needs and costs vary for different household types; and how minimum transport costs impact on overall household budgets. The paper concludes by considering the possible application of the 'MIS Rural' approach in practice.
Social Sciences
Communication, Media, Social and Policy Studies
Research Unit
Centre for Research in Social Policy (CRSP)
SMITH, N., HIRSCH, D. and DAVIS, A., 2012. Accessibility and capability: the minimum transport needs and costs of rural households. Journal of Transport Geography, 21, pp. 93 - 101