posted on 2021-11-26, 11:20authored byKrzysztof Lakomy, Rafal Madonski, Bin Dai, Jun YangJun Yang, Piotr Kicki, Maral Ansari, Shihua Li
The performance of active disturbance rejection control (ADRC) algorithms can be limited in practice by high-frequency measurement noise. In this article, this problem is addressed by transforming the high-gain extended state observer (ESO), which is the inherent element of ADRC, into a new cascade observer structure. Set of experiments, performed on a dc-dc buck power converter system, show that the new cascade ESO design, compared to the conventional approach, effectively suppresses the detrimental effect of sensor noise overamplification while increasing the estimation/control performance. The proposed design is also analyzed with a low-pass filter at the converter output, which is a common technique for reducing measurement noise in industrial applications.
European Social Fund within the Operational Program Knowledge Education Development, non-competitive project entitled “International scholarship exchange of PhD students and academic staff” executed under the Activity 3.3 specified in the application for funding of project No. POWR.03.03.00-00-PN13 / 18
Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities project no. 21620335
Aeronautical, Automotive, Chemical and Materials Engineering
Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering
Published in
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics
816 - 824
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
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