The issue of fault diagnostics is a dominant factor concerning current engineering
systems. Information regarding possible failures is required in order to minimize disruption
caused to functionality. A method proposed in this paper utilizes digraphs to model the
information flow within an application system. Digraphs are composed from a set of nodes
representing system process variables or component failure modes. The nodes are connected
by signed edges thus illustrating the influence, be it positive or negative, one node has on
another. System fault diagnostics is conducted through a procedure of back-tracing in the
digraph from a known deviating variable. A computational method has been developed to
conduct this process. Comparisons are made between retrieved transmitter readings and
those expected while the system is in a known operating mode. Any noted deviations are
assumed to indicate the presence of a failure. The current paper looks in detail at the
application of the digraph diagnostic method to an industrially based test stand of an aircraft
fuel system. This research includes transient system effects; the rate of change of a parameter
is taken into consideration as a means of monitoring the system dynamically. The validity of
the results achieved, through performing fault diagnostics based on the use of a digraph
model, is evaluated. Finally, the effectiveness and scalability issues associated with the
application of the method are addressed.
Aeronautical, Automotive, Chemical and Materials Engineering
Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering
KELLY, E.M. and BARTLETT, L.M., 2007. Aircraft fuel rig system fault diagnostics based on the application of digraphs. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O : Journal of Risk and Reliability, 221 (4), pp. 275-284 [DOI: 10.1243/1748006XJRR88]