A multi-physics integrated analysis of piston top compression ring of a high-performance internal combustion engines is presented. The effects of transient ring elastodynamics, thermal gas flow through piston crevices upon chamber leakage pressure and parasitic frictional losses are investigated. The multi-physics analysis comprises integrated flexible ring dynamics, ring-liner thermo-mixed hydrodynamics and gas blow-by, an approach not hitherto reported in literature. The predictions show close conformance to frictional measurements under engine motored dynamometric conditions. It is shown that power losses due to gas leakage can be as much as 6 times larger than frictional losses, which are usually considered as the main sources of inefficiency.
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) for most of the research carried out under the Encyclopaedic Program grant (EP/G012334/1) and some under the Centre for Doctoral Training (EP/L014998/1) in Embedded Intelligence (CDT-EI).
Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering
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