A widely used hazard identification technique within the process industry is HAZOP (hazard and
operability study). To overcome the repetitive and time-consuming nature of the technique automated
systems are being developed. This work considers batch processes, in which material undergoes
processing in distinct stages within the plant equipment items according to a set of operating
procedures, rather than each equipment item remaining in a “steady state”, as is normal for continuous
plants. In batch plants deviations which can lead to hazards can arise both from deviations from
operating procedures and process variable deviations. Therefore, the effect of operator actions needs to
be considered. CHECKOP is an automated batch HAZOP identification system being developed as a
joint project between HAZID Technologies Ltd and Loughborough University. CHECKOP uses a
state-based approach to HAZOP analysis. CHECKOP takes a plant description and a set of operating
instructions as input and produces a HAZOP report automatically. The overall system architecture and
the details of the major components of the systems will be described. Examples of incorrect plant
operation along with the resulting output generated by CHECKOP will be shown. The advantages and
limitations of CHECKOP will be discussed.
Computer Science
PALMER, C. and CHUNG, P.W.H., 2009. An automated system for batch hazard and operability studies. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 94 (6), pp. 1095-1106