A safety system is an essential part of any industrial system as it operates to prevent the
occurrence of certain conditions and their future development into a hazardous situation. Failure
of such systems may have catastrophic consequences from small injuries to even death of
members of the workforce and public, therefore, it is imperative to minimize safety system
unavailability and also find the balance between its unavailability and other limitations on its
operation, for example, life cycle cost and spurious trip frequency. Hence, a multi-objective
optimization of the system design is required. This paper describes a design optimization scheme
using multi-objective genetic algorithms (MOGAs) applied to a firewater deluge system (FDS)
on an offshore platform, which works to supply on demand water and foam at a controlled
pressure to a specific area on the platform, protected by the deluge system.
Aeronautical, Automotive, Chemical and Materials Engineering
Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering
RIAUKE, J. and BARTLETT, L.M., 2008. An offshore safety system optimization using a SPEA2 based approach. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O : Journal of Risk and Reliability, 222 (3), pp. 271-282 [DOI:10.1243/1748006XJRR113]