posted on 2019-01-14, 11:53authored byGang Wang, Danjuan Fu, Jinhai Zheng, Qiuhua LiangQiuhua Liang, Yao Zhang
In this paper, an analytic solution is derived for linear long waves scattering over a submarine seamount landform with a pit. The seamount is axisymmetric with a pit on the top. The water depth is defined by a trinomial function in the radial direction. The governing linear shallow water equation for long waves is expressed in the polar coordination, which is solved through separation of variables. As the topography is axisymmetric, solutions can be written as Fourier-cosine series. Waves over the seamount are expressed using Frobenius series expansion, while the water surface elevation in the outer region is expressed as Fourier-Bessel series, and the final solution is obtained by matching them at the conjunction. The solution can be degenerated into the previous analytic solutions for waves propagation over an axisymmetric pit or a submerged hump by adjusting the topography parameters.
The presented research was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NO.: 51579090), the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars (NO.: 51425901) and Innovation Project of Colleges and Universities in JiangSu Province (NO.: 2015B41814).
Architecture, Building and Civil Engineering
Published in
Ocean Engineering
167 - 176
WANG, G. ... et al, 2018. Analytic study on long wave transformation over a seamount with a pit. Ocean Engineering, 154, pp.167-176.
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This paper was accepted for publication in the journal Ocean Engineering and the definitive published version is available at