The recent publication of codes for the design of FRC is a major step towards extending the use of the material. An in depth analysis indicates several differences between the constitutive models proposed in the existing codes. In this study, these models are compared and a numerical simulation is performed to evaluate their differences in terms of the structural behavior predicted and measured in an experimental program of RC-FRC elements. The predictions provided by the models fit satisfactorily the experimental results for elements with steel fibers and with plastic fibers.
The authors of this document wish to show their gratitude for the economic support received through the Research Project BIA2010-17478: Construction processes by means of fibre reinforced concretes. The first and second authors acknowledge the grant FI provided by the Comissionat per a Universitats del DIUE de la Generalitat de Catalunya i del Fons Social Europeu and the Grant FPI-UPC provided by the UPC, respectively. The first and second authors also acknowledge the support of the Collegi d’Enginyers de Camins, Canals i Ports de Catalunya.
Architecture, Building and Civil Engineering
Published in
Construction and Building Materials
246 - 259
BLANCO, A. ... et al, 2012. Application of constitutive models in European codes to RC-FRC. Construction and Building Materials, 40, pp.246-259.
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Publication date
This paper was published in the journal Construction and Building Materials and the definitive published version is available at