Loughborough University

Assessing physiotherapists’ communication skills for promoting patient autonomy for self-management: reliability and validity of the communication evaluation in rehabilitation tool

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journal contribution
posted on 2018-03-15, 11:20 authored by Aileen Murray, Amanda M. Hall, Geoffrey C. Williams, Suzanne M. McDonough, Nikos Ntoumanis, Ian TaylorIan Taylor, Ben Jackson, Bethan Copsey, Deirdre A. Hurley, James Matthews
Purpose: To assess the inter-rater reliability and concurrent validity of the Communication Evaluation in Rehabilitation Tool, which aims to externally assess physiotherapists’ competency in using Self-Determination Theory-based communication strategies in practice. Materials and Methods: Audio recordings of initial consultations between 24 physiotherapists and 24 patients with chronic low back pain in four hospitals in Ireland were obtained as part of a larger randomised controlled trial. Three raters, all of whom had PhDs in psychology and expertise in motivation and physical activity, independently listened to the 24 audio recordings and completed the 18-item Communication Evaluation in Rehabilitation Tool. Inter-rater reliability between all three raters was assessed using intraclass correlation coefficients. Concurrent validity was assessed using Pearson’s r correlations with a reference standard, the Health Care Climate Questionnaire. Results: The total score for the Communication Evaluation in Rehabilitation Tool is an average of all 18 items. Total scores demonstrated good inter-rater reliability (ICC=0.8) and concurrent validity with the Health Care Climate Questionnaire total score (range: r=0.7-0.88). Item-level scores of the Communication Evaluation in Rehabilitation Tool identified five items that need improvement. Conclusion: Results provide preliminary evidence to support future use and testing of the Communication Evaluation in Rehabilitation Tool.


Funding for this study was provided by the Health Research Board (HRB) of Ireland Health Research Award 2010 (HRA_POR/2010/102), including a post-graduate scholarship awarded to the lead author.



  • Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences

Published in

Disability and Rehabilitation


MURRAY, A. ...et al., 2018. Assessing physiotherapists’ communication skills for promoting patient autonomy for self-management: reliability and validity of the communication evaluation in rehabilitation tool. Disability and Rehabilitation, 41 (14), pp.1699-1705.


Taylor & Francis


  • AM (Accepted Manuscript)

Publisher statement

This work is made available according to the conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) licence. Full details of this licence are available at: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/

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This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Disability and Rehabilitation on 27 Feb 2018, available online: https://doi.org/10.1080/09638288.2018.1443159




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