Assouad type dimensions of infinitely generated self-conformal sets
We study the dimension theory of limit sets of iterated function systems consisting of a countably infinite number of conformal contractions. Our focus is on the Assouad type dimensions, which give information about the local structure of sets. Under natural separation conditions, we prove a formula for the Assouad dimension and prove sharp bounds for the Assouad spectrum in terms of the Hausdorff dimension of the limit set and dimensions of the set of fixed points of the contractions. The Assouad spectra of the family of examples which we use to show that the bounds are sharp display interesting behaviour, such as having two phase transitions. Our results apply in particular to sets of real or complex numbers which have continued fraction expansions with restricted entries, and to certain parabolic attractors.
Leverhulme Trust Research Project Grant (RPG-2019-034)
Fourier analytic techniques in geometry and analysis
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Find out more...RSE Sabbatical Research Grant (70249)
Overlapping iterated function systems: New approaches and breaking the super-exponential barrier
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
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- Science
- Mathematical Sciences
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IOP PublishingVersion
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2024-02-12Publication date
2024-02-29Copyright date
1361-6544Publisher version
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