Asynchronous pulse-modulated plasma effect on the generation of abnormal high-energetic electrons for the suppression of charge-up induced tilting and cell density-dependent etching profile variation
The formation of high-energy electrons and ion fluxes induced by an abnormal electron heating mode in asynchronous pulse-modulated plasma was investigated using particle-in-cell simulation. We demonstrate that the abnormally high electron heating mode was induced only for a short time in the asynchronous pulsed plasmas. Furthermore, enhanced production of energetic electrons accompanies this electron heating. In particular, the higher energy electrons ( ε > 20 eV) are mainly produced by the abnormal electron heating during the first period of the abrupt sheath expansion phase in the asynchronous pulsed plasma with α1 = α3 = 0.05. These high-energy electrons are crucial for tailoring the expansion of plasma density and neutralizing the surface charging for the HARC etching process. A synergy of higher energy electrons and higher density ion fluxes in asynchronous pulsed plasma can be a promising solution to reduce statistical variation and charging-induced profile deterioration without the etch rate reduction in 3D NAND fabrication.
SK Hynix Inc.
- Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering
Published in
Physics of PlasmasVolume
AIP PublishingVersion
- AM (Accepted Manuscript)
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This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and AIP Publishing. This article appeared in Hyoungcheol Kwon, Felipe Iza, Imhee Won, Minkyung Lee, Songhee Han, Raseong Park, Yongjin Kim, Dongyean Oh, Sung-Kye Park, and Seonyong Cha , "Asynchronous pulse-modulated plasma effect on the generation of abnormal high-energetic electrons for the suppression of charge-up induced tilting and cell density-dependent etching profile variation", Physics of Plasmas 30, 013504 (2023) and may be found at date
2022-12-23Publication date
2023-01-11Copyright date
1089-7674Publisher version
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