The proliferation of IoT in various technological
realms has resulted in the massive spurt of unsecured data. The
use of complex security mechanisms for securing these data
is highly restricted owing to the low-power and low-resource
nature of most of the IoT devices, especially at the Edge. In
this work, we propose to use blockchains for extending security
to such IoT implementations. We deploy a Ethereum blockchain
consisting of both regular and constrained devices connecting
to the blockchain through wired and wireless heterogeneous
networks. We additionally implement a secure and encrypted
networked clock mechanism to synchronize the non-real-time
IoT Edge nodes within the blockchain. Further, we experimentally study the feasibility of such a deployment and the bottlenecks associated with it by running necessary cryptographic
operations for blockchains in IoT devices. We study the effects
of network latency, increase in constrained blockchain nodes,
data size, Ether, and blockchain node mobility during transaction
and mining of data within our deployed blockchain. This study
serves as a guideline for designing secured solutions for IoT
implementations under various operating conditions such as
those encountered for static IoT nodes and mobile IoT devices.
University Grants Commission (UGC)-UK India Education Research Initiative (UKIERI) Joint Research Programme (UKIERI-III) under project file No. 184-17/2017(IC)
Loughborough University London
Published in
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems
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