Loughborough University

Boundary-drawing power and the renewal of professional news organizations: The case of The Guardian and the Edward Snowden National Security Agency leak

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journal contribution
posted on 2017-12-08, 11:52 authored by Andrew ChadwickAndrew Chadwick, Simon Collister
The Edward Snowden National Security Agency leak of 2013 was an important punctuating phase in the evolution of political journalism and political communication as media systems continue to adapt to the incursion of digital media logics. The leak’s mediation reveals professional news organizations’ evolving power in an increasingly congested, complex, and polycentric hybrid media system where the number of news actors has radically increased. We identify the practices through which The Guardian reconfigured and renewed its power and which enabled it to lay bare highly significant aspects of state power and surveillance. This involved exercising a form of strategic, if still contingent, control over the information and communication environments within which the Snowden story developed. This was based upon a range of practices encapsulated by a concept we introduce: boundary-drawing power.



  • Social Sciences


  • Communication, Media, Social and Policy Studies

Published in

International Journal of Communication




2420 - 2441


CHADWICK, A. and COLLISTER, S., 2014. Boundary-drawing power and the renewal of professional news organizations: The case of The Guardian and the Edward Snowden National Security Agency leak. International Journal of Communication, 8, pp. 2420-2441.


© the Authors. Published by University of Southern California


  • VoR (Version of Record)

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