The paper analyses pedagogical methods for incorporating computer aided design and manufacture into higher education jewellery design based on surveying five European universities: Birmingham City University (UK) Loughborough University (UK), Polytechnic of Milan (I), Kolding Design School (DK), Eindhoven University of Technology (NL). It seeks to identify strengths and weaknesses in contemporary teaching practices; highlighting innovative methods that nurture design problem solving, technical competence, exploration of new materials and dynamic form generation. Investigations concern possible teaching strategies for instructing students in the use of Computer Aided Design (CAD), through software such as Rhino3D, JewelCAD, Illustrator and Maya. Alongside modes of teaching Computer Aided Manufacture (CAM) including subtractive and additive technologies such as 3D Printing and CNC milling, alongside planar production through laser cutting and digital photo-etching.
The Arts, English and Drama
Published in
Making Futures: craft and the (re)turn of the maker in a post-global sustainably aware society
BERNABEI, R. ... et al, 2015. CAD/CAM and jewellery design education. Making Futures: Craft and the return of the maker in a post-global sustainably aware society, vol. 4, 2015: Craft and the return of the maker in a post-global sustainably aware society.
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First published in Making Futures Vol 4, 2015: Craft and the return of the maker in a post-global sustainably aware society. Published by Plymouth College of Art. This paper was also presented at the Making Futures 2015 conference, Plymouth, UK, 24-25 September 2015.