CO mass transfer induced through an airlift loop by a microbubble cloud generated by fluidic oscillation
journal contribution
posted on 2014-05-23, 13:01 authored by Mahmood K.H. Al-Mashhadani, Hemaka BandulasenaHemaka Bandulasena, William B. ZimmermanCarbon dioxide is one of the most common gases produced from biological processes. Removal of carbon dioxide from these processes can influence the direction of biological reactions as well as the pH of the medium, which affects bacterial metabolism. Kinetics of carbon dioxide transfer mechanisms are investigated by sparging with conventional fine bubbles and microbubbles. The estimate of the concentrations of CO (aq), H CO , HCO3 , and CO from pH measurement in an airlift loop sparged mixer is derived. The canonical estimate of overall mass transfer coefficient of CO has been estimated as 0.092 min for a microbubble size of 550 m compared with 0.0712 min for a fine bubble (mean bubble size of 1.3 mm) sparging. It is observed that the efficiency of CO removal has increased up to 29% by microbubble sparging compared with fine bubble sparging. Laminar bubbly flow modeling of the airlift loop configuration correctly predicts the trend of the change in overall mass transfer in both gas stripping with nitrogen and gas scrubbing for CO exchange, while demonstrating the expected separated flow structure. The models indicate that the macroscale flow structure is transient and pseudoperiodic. This latter feature should be tested by flow visualization, as preferential frequencies in the flow can be exploited for enhanced mixing. © 2011 American Chemical Society.
- Aeronautical, Automotive, Chemical and Materials Engineering
- Chemical Engineering
AL-MASHHADANI, M.K.H., BANDULASENA, H.C.H. and ZIMMERMAN, W.B., 2012. CO mass transfer induced through an airlift loop by a microbubble cloud generated by fluidic oscillation. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 51 (4), pp. 1864 - 1877Publisher
© American Chemical SocietyVersion
- VoR (Version of Record)
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