Chaotic Bloch oscillations in dissipative optical systems driven by a periodic train of coherent pulses
We study the response of an optical system with the Kerr nonlinearity demonstrating Bloch oscillations to a periodic train of coherent pulses. It has been found out that the intensity of the field excited in the system by pulses resonantly depends on the train period. It is demonstrated numerically and analytically that the response of the system is stronger when the period of the driving pulses is commensurate with the period of the Bloch oscillations. Moreover, large enough pulses are capable to induce the instabilities which eventually lead to onset of chaotic Bloch oscillations of the wave-function envelope bouncing both in time and space. The analysis reveals that these instabilities are associated with period-doubling bifurcations. A cascade of such bifurcations with increase of the pulses’ amplitude triggers the chaotic behaviour.
Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russian Federation
- Science
- Physics
Published in
Physical Review AVolume
American Physical SocietyVersion
- AM (Accepted Manuscript)
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© American Physical SocietyPublisher statement
This paper was accepted for publication in the journal Physical Review A and the definitive published version is available at date
2023-05-02Publication date
2023-05-24Copyright date
2469-9934Publisher version
- en