Christopher Fry’s plays have been studied mainly in the context of verse drama, and where religious discourse in Fry’s work has been considered, the focus has been on how it relates to streams of Christian theology, namely mainstream Protestantism (Church of England) or Quakerism. Thus, extant criticism neglects to consider the significance of The Firstborn’s source text in terms of its Jewishness. This article explores the play within the context of Semitic discourse in modern Britain and demonstrates how Fry’s restaging of the Exodus story in The Firstborn serves to forward Christian replacement theology.
The Arts, English and Drama
English and Drama
Published in
Modern Drama
BREWER, M.F., 2018. Christopher Fry’s Old Testament drama and replacement Theology. Modern Drama, 61(4), pp. 526–544.
University of Toronto Press
AM (Accepted Manuscript)
Publisher statement
This paper was accepted for publication in the journal Modern Drama and the definitive published version is available at