Loughborough University

Clinical librarianship in the UK: temporary trend or permanent profession? Part II: present challenges and future opportunities

journal contribution
posted on 2013-03-08, 14:25 authored by Janet Harrison, Sally J.E. Sargeant
BACKGROUND: This article is the second part of a two-part series reporting a study of the role of the Clinical Librarian (CL) in the UK. METHODS: A qualitative method of semi-structured interviews was used to explore in-depth the role of the CL. The interviews provided a rich source of data and give insight into this new and emerging role as practised in the National Health Service (NHS). Similarities and differences are examined between the CL population and reported within themes, specifically: personal qualities and skills required, training for the CLs, marketing the CL service, working in the clinical environment, monitoring and evaluation and the acceptance of the CL in the NHS. RESULTS: A common understanding of the skills and knowledge required to undertake the CL role was shared by the respondents. However, practice differed as this was often dictated by local circumstances. The study confirmed the need for the CLs to work with clinical colleagues in the clinical setting to enhance patient care. CONCLUSION: The importance of using best evidence to support patient care is a message that is slowly becoming the norm in the NHS and the CL role in this practice is demonstrated by this study.



  • Science


  • Information Science


HARRISON, J. and SARGEANT, S.J.E., 2004. Clinical librarianship in the UK: temporary trend or permanent profession? Part II: present challenges and future opportunities. Health Information and Libraries Journal, 21 (4), pp. 220 - 226.


© Health Libraries Group


  • VoR (Version of Record)

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Closed Access. This article was published in the Health Information and Libraries Journal [© Health Libraries Group] and the definitive version is available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1471-1842.2004.00541.x




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