Coherent quantum network of superconducting qubits as a highly sensitive detector of microwave photons for searching of galactic axions
We propose a novel approach to detect a low power microwave signal with a frequency of the order of several GHz based on a coherent collective response of quantum states occurring in a superconducting qubits network (SQN). An SQN composes of a large number of superconducting qubits embedded in a low-dissipative superconducting resonator. Our theory predicts that an SQN interacting with the off-resonance microwave radiation, demonstrates the collective alternating current Stark effect that can be measured even in the limit of single photon counting. A design of the layout of three terminals SQN detectors containing 10 flux qubits weakly coupled to a low-dissipative R-resonator and T-transmission line was developed. The samples were fabricated by Al-based technology with Nb resonator. The SQN detector was tested in terms of microwave measurements of scattering parameters and two-tone spectroscopy. A substantial shift of the frequency position of the transmission coefficient drop induced by a second tone pump signal was observed, and this effect clearly manifests a nonlinear multiphoton interaction between the second-tone microwave pump signal and an array of qubits.
Highly sensitive detection of single microwave photons with coherent quantum network of superconducting qubits for searching galactic axions
European Commission
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- Physics
Published in
IEEE Transactions on Applied SuperconductivityVolume
Applied Superconductivity Conference 2022 (ASC 2022)Publisher
- VoR (Version of Record)
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2023-03-22Publication date
2023-04-06Copyright date
1558-2515Publisher version
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