Recent studies have proposed the use of “fast and frugal” strategies as viable alternatives to support
decision-processes in cases where time or other operational constraints preclude the application of
standard decision-analytic methods. While a growing body of evidence shows that such procedures can
be highly accurate, limited research has evaluated how well decision-makers can execute the
prescriptive recommendations of aids based on such strategies in practice. Drawing on the behavioural,
neuropsychological and decision-analytic literatures, we propose that an alignment between individual,
model and task features will influence the effectiveness with which decision-makers can execute
strategies that draw on prescriptive psychological heuristics – “fast and frugal” or otherwise. Our
findings suggest that strategy execution is highly sensitive to task characteristics however, the effects
of the number of alternatives and attributes on individuals’ ability to deploy a given strategy, differ in
magnitude and direction depending on which decision-strategy is prescribed. A more compensatory
decision-style positively affected overall task performance. Subjects’ ability to regulate inhibitory
control was found to positively affect non-compensatory strategy execution, while having no
discernible bearing on comparable compensatory tasks. Our findings reinforce that rather than an aspect
of the prescriptive model, synergies between individual, model and task features are more instrumental
in driving task performance in aided MCDM contexts. We discuss these findings in light of calls from
OR scholars for the development of decision-aids that draw on prescriptive “fast and frugal” principles.
This paper was accepted for publication in the journal European Journal of Operational Research and the definitive published version is available at