Complex orders and chirality in the classical Kitaev- Γ model
It is well recognized that the low-energy physics of many Kitaev materials is governed by two dominant energy scales, the Ising-type Kitaev coupling 𝐾 and the symmetric off-diagonal Γ coupling. An understanding of the interplay between these two scales is therefore the natural starting point toward a quantitative description that includes subdominant perturbations that are inevitably present in real materials. This study focuses on the classical 𝐾−Γ model on the honeycomb lattice, with a specific emphasis on the region 𝐾<0 and Γ>0, which is the most relevant for the available materials and which remains enigmatic in both quantum and classical limits, despite much effort. We employ large-scale Monte Carlo simulations on specially designed finite-size clusters and unravel the presence of a complex multisublattice magnetic order in a wide region of the phase diagram, whose structure is characterized in detail. We show that this order can be quantified in terms of a coarse-grained scalar-chirality order, featuring a counterrotating modulation on the two spin sublattices. We also provide a comparison to previous studies and discuss the impact of quantum fluctuations on the phase diagram.
Detecting fractionalization in strongly correlated magnets : EP/V038281/1
Identification of Fractionalized Excitations in Quantum Spin Liquids and Related Materials
Office of Basic Energy Sciences
Find out more...National Science Foundation: grant no. PHY-1748958
National Science Foundation: grant no. PHY-2309135
Technical University of Munich–Institute for Advanced Study
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
- Science
- Physics
Published in
Physical Review BVolume
American Physical Society (APS)Version
- AM (Accepted Manuscript)
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This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of a Published Work that appeared in final form at: date
2024-11-13Publication date
2024-12-04Copyright date
2469-9969Publisher version
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