The paper describes a condition-monitoring scheme
based on first principles models the scheme involves estimating
the values of model parameters that are expected to
change in the event of a fault. The first principles models are,
in general, not linear in the parameters, and recursive estimation
of the parameters of these models is avoided by estimating
the parameters of an intermediate model that is linear in
the parameters. This intermediate model, which takes the form
of a radial basis function network, is used periodically to generate
data covering the complete operating range of the system.
These data are then used in the estimation of the
parameters of the first principles model. The paper describes
the techniques used and presents results from applying the
method to the task of detecting two faults in the cooling coil
subsystem of an air-handling unit.
Architecture, Building and Civil Engineering
HAVES, P., SALSBURY, T.I., and WRIGHT, J.A., 1996. Condition monitoring in HVAC subsystems using first principles models. ASHRAE Transactions, 102 (1), pp.519-527