posted on 2012-12-13, 09:51authored byXin Wang, Jung-Sik Kim, Alan Atkinson
Constrained sintering kinetics of 8 mol% Y2O3/92 mol% ZrO2 (8YSZ) films approximately 10–15 m thick screen-printed on dense YSZ substrates,
and the resulting stress induced in the films, were measured in the temperature range 1100–1350 ◦C. The results are compared with those reported
earlier for 3YSZ films.
Both materials behave similarly, although there are differences in detail. The constrained densification rate was greatly retarded compared with
the unconstrained densification rate due to the effect of the constraint on the developing anisotropic microstructure (3YSZ) and, in the case of
8YSZ, considerable grain growth. The stress generated during constrained sintering was typically a few MPa. The apparent activation energies for
free sintering, constrained sintering, creep and grain growth are found to cover a wide range (135–670 kJ mol−1) despite all probably being mainly
controlled by grain boundary cation diffusion.
Aeronautical, Automotive, Chemical and Materials Engineering
Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering
WANG, X., KIM, J-S., and ATKINSON, A., 2012. Constrained sintering of 8mol% Y 2O 3 stabilised zirconia films. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 32 (16), pp. 4121 - 4128.