This paper explores skills needs of construction in Zambia and provides key recommendations for meeting those needs. The paper emanates from a collaboration between Loughborough (Edum Fotwe & Price) and the University of Zambia (Muya). The project was part of a £20K initiative funded by the DFID and administered by British Council (Zambia). The output from the paper was incorporated into the policy framework of Construction Unit (CU), OHS Services Department in Zambia's Ministry of Labour and Social Security. The recommendations from the paper were employed by the CU for setting operational targets for TEVET, the body responsible for regulating technical education and training in Zambia. This publication has given rise to a public project on modelling skills in construction for the public sector in Zambia, which is being taken forward by Muya. The work has also led to an Engineering Doctorate project entitled Meeting the Challenge - UK Construction Labour Market, on construction craft skills, sponsored by Construction Skills.