posted on 2010-02-16, 14:43authored byRoger Haslam, Sophie Hide, Alistair Gibb, Diane GyiDiane Gyi, Trevor C. Pavitt, Sarah Atkinson, Roy Duff
This overview paper draws together findings from previous focus group research and studies
of 100 individual construction accidents. Pursuing issues raised by the focus groups, the
accident studies collected qualitative information on the circumstances of each incident and
the causal influences involved. Site based data collection entailed interviews with accidentinvolved
personnel and their supervisor or manager, inspection of the accident location, and
review of appropriate documentation. Relevant issues from the site investigations were then
followed up with off-site stakeholders, including designers, manufacturers and suppliers.
Levels of involvement of key factors in the accidents were: problems arising from workers or
the work team (70% of accidents), workplace issues (49%), shortcomings with equipment
(including PPE) (56%), problems with suitability and condition of materials (27%), and
deficiencies with risk management (84%). Employing an ergonomics systems approach, a
model is proposed, indicating the manner in which originating managerial, design and cultural
factors shape the circumstances found in the work place, giving rise to the acts and conditions
which, in turn, lead to accidents. It is argued that attention to the originating influences will
be necessary for sustained improvement in construction safety to be achieved.
Architecture, Building and Civil Engineering
HASLAM, R.... et al., 2005. Contributing factors in construction accidents. Applied Ergonomics, 36(4), pp. 401-415.