This paper presents corrections for existing hydrodynamic instability based Critical Heat Flux (CHF) models in pool boiling by taking into account the effect of the viscosity, geometry and size of the liquid-vapour interface. Based on the existing literature, the Kelvin
– Helmholtz theory, used by the most commonly adopted CHF models, can lead to noticeable errors when predicting the instability conditions. The errors are mainly due to the inaccuracy of the inviscid flow assumptions and the oversimplification of the interface geometry. In addition, the literature suggests the most unstable condition predicted by the Viscous Correction for Viscous Potential Flow (VCVPF) theory for the cylindrical interfaces best match the observed air column breakup conditions in water. In this paper, the most unstable instability conditions predicted by the VCVPF theory are used to correct the
existing CHF models. The comparison between the existing and corrected CHF models suggests that the corrected models always predict a higher CHF value. In addition, the corrected Zuber model predicts similar CHF value to the Lienhard and Dhir model. The comparison with experimental data suggests that the correction to the Zuber model can increase its prediction accuracy in most cases, but not necessary for the Lienhard and Dhir model. When compared to experimental CHF data for boiling cryogens at different pressures, the corrected CHF models are consistently more accurate than the original CHF models.
Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering
Published in
Journal of Heat Transfer
ZHAO, H. and GARNER, C.P., 2018. Corrections for the hydrodynamic instability based critical heat flux models in pool boiling – effects of viscosity and heating surface size. Journal of Heat Transfer, 140(9), 091502.
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This paper was accepted for publication in the journal Journal of Heat Transfer and the definitive published version is available at