For some time now, it has been recognised that a major shift is occurring in the population
age distributions of most motorised countries resulting in a growing number of older persons
with an increasing need for mobility. It is expected that the mobility of older persons will
become even more reliant on the motor vehicle as European countries in particular undergo transitions towards decentralisation and suburbanisation and because of the well-established
longevity factor. This study compares injury outcomes in passenger car crashes for belted
occupants of different ages. The study considers drivers and front seat passengers.
National accident data in the UK show that whilst older car occupants are less likely to be
involved in a car accident than younger occupants, in the event of a crash, older occupants are
more likely to be killed or to sustain serious injury. This, in conjunction with the increasing
numbers of older licence holder and car users implies that the protection of the inherently frail
elderly should become a priority for the future.
Analysis of the UK in-depth accident data revealed that the older car occupants were
significantly more prone to serious chest injury than their younger counterparts and that these
injuries were predominantly due to forces exerted by the restraint system, particularly in
frontal impacts. Since by the year 2030 one in four persons will be aged over 65 in most
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries, the results
suggest a need for intervention through vehicle design including in-vehicle crashworthiness
systems that take into account the reduced tolerance to impact that occurs with ageing.
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WELSH et al, 2006. Crash characteristics and injury outcomes for older passenger car occupants. Transportation Research F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 9(5), pp.322-334