Speckle shearing interferometry has developed over the last three decades and is used as a
non-destructive analysis tool for aerospace engineering.The primary role of the technique has
traditionally been for the examination of defects in fibre composite structural materials, but more
recent attention has considered strain and displacement measurement.Furtherm ore, aerospace
regulatory bodies such as the UK Civil Aviation Authority are demanding better understanding and
traceability of the technique.
The novel work reported here has investigated the use of a Michelson-based speckle shearing
interferometer for the analysis of compression-loaded aircraft wheels and tyres.Whole- field
deformation data have been obtained for repeated compression loading of a BAe146 main wheel,
providing displacement derivative and displacement data.The quality of the measurement technique
has been ascertained through the analysis of the repeatability and reproducibility data, with
correlating data being produced using contact displacement transducers.
Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering
IBRAHIM, J.S., PETZING, J.N. and TRYER, J.N., 2004. Deformation analysis of aircraft wheels using a speckle shearing interferometer. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 218 (4), pp. 287-295 [DOI:10.1243/0954410041872807]