Developing social E-dentity: examination of an online 5R programme with an Esports team
Research in traditional sport has demonstrated that development of a strong team 24 identity can have positive benefits for performance and wellbeing. However, to date, there is 25 limited research on team identity and whether it can be developed in esports. The aim of this 26 study, therefore, was to explore the effect of an online delivered 5R programme with one esports 27 team. The complimentary descriptive, visual, and statistical analyses provided some tentative 28 support for effects of the intervention on players’ social identification, collective efficacy, and 29 resilience. Additional qualitative social validation responses suggested the intervention effected 30 intrateam communication, improved players’ belonging, and increased commitment. These 31 initial exploratory findings provide initial support for the potential of 5R programmes. Future 32 research directions, strengths and limitations, and suggestions for practitioners are discussed.
- Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences
Published in
Journal of Electronic Gaming and EsportsVolume
Human Kinetics LtdVersion
- AM (Accepted Manuscript)
Rights holder
© 2024 Human Kinetics, Inc.Publisher statement
Accepted author manuscript version reprinted, by permission, from Journal of Electronic Gaming and Esports, 2024, 2 (1), jege.2023-0029, © Human Kinetics, Inc. .Acceptance date
2024-06-05Publication date
2024-08-30Copyright date
2836-3523Publisher version
- en