posted on 2017-12-01, 09:48authored byYlenio Longo, Iain CoyneIain Coyne, Stephen Joseph
The Scales of General Well-Being (SGWB, Longo, Coyne & Joseph, 2017) is a 65-item tool assessing fourteen different constructs. The aim of this study was to develop a short 14-item version. One item was chosen from each of the fourteen scales following inspection of previously-published factor loadings and content validity ratings. In total, 446 responses from U.S residents were collected from Amazon Mechanical Turk. Results supported a factor structure consistent with the long form, as well as good internal consistency. Additionally, general well-being scores of short- and long-form correlated at .96 and each item in the short-form was strongly related to its respective long-form scale. The 14-item SGWB offers a brief assessment of well-being based on a novel and comprehensive operational definition, and promises to be of practical use to researchers and clinicians.
Business and Economics
Published in
Personality and Individual Differences
31 - 34
LONGO, Y., COYNE, I.J. and JOSEPH, S., 2017. Development of the short version of the scales of general well-being: The 14-item SGWB. Personality and Individual Differences, 124, pp. 31-34.
This paper was accepted for publication in the journal Personality and Individual Differences and the definitive published version is available at