posted on 2015-02-13, 09:31authored byXiaohui Liu, Lan Gao, Jiangyong Lu, Eleni Lioliou
Based on a sample of Chinese firms that have undertaken outward FDI, we examine the extent to which
domestic learning and host market learning affect subsidiary performance. The findings indicate that
domestic learning through collaboration with foreign firms at home, and host market learning, positively
contribute to subsidiary performance. We find some synergetic effects between domestic learning and
host market learning, and these two types of learning jointly shape subsidiary performance. By providing
new empirical insights into the performance implications of different types of learning, this study helps
advance our understanding of EMNEs.
National Science Foundation of China
(#71172020; #71472010)
Business and Economics
Published in
International Business Review
1 - ?
LIU, X. ... et al., 2016. Does learning at home and from abroad boost the foreign subsidiary performance of emerging economy multinational enterprises? International Business Review,25(1), pt.A, pp.141-151.
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