The marking of graph diagrams (that is to say diagrams that are composed of nodes, possibly joined by
edges) is tedious if the diagrams are presented on paper. If the key content of the diagrams is available in
electronic form then the marking can be much more efficient. This is achieved because the tutor only has to
mark each different diagram element once and this mark is transmitted to all diagrams that contain the
element. This benefit to the tutor is obtained by requiring the students to use a diagram drawing program of
some kind. However using such an editor can simplify the process for the students by allowing them to
concentrate more on the problem and less on its graphical representation. The students can also be rewarded
for going to this extra effort by receiving a much more detailed, personalised commentary on their work than
would have been possible before, given the same amount of tutor time. We present the evolution of a drag-and-drop diagram editor specialised for the area of ER diagrams and an associated marking system with a
simple but effective feedback mechanism. Some results from initial trials are presented along with some ideas
for improvement and extension.
Computer Science
STONE, R.G., BATMAZ, F. and HINDE, C.J., 2009. Drawing and marking graph diagrams. Italics, 8 (2), pp. 45-52