The effective dynamic bulk modulus and density are presented for random media
consisting of particles in a viscous host fluid, using a core-shell, self-consistent
effective medium model, under the large compressional wavelength assumption.
These properties are relevant to acoustic or dynamic processes in nano- and microparticle fluids including particle density determination, resonant acoustic mixing and
acoustic characterisation. Analytical expressions are obtained for the effective bulk
modulus and mass density, incorporating the viscous nature of the fluid host into the
core-shell model through wave mode conversion phenomena. The effective density
is derived in terms of particle concentration, particle and host densities, particle size,
and the acoustic and shear wavenumbers of the liquid host. The analytical
expressions obtained agree with prior known results in the limit of both static and
inviscid cases; the ratio of the effective bulk modulus to that of the fluid is found to be
quasi-static. Numerical calculations demonstrate the dependence of the effective
mass density on frequency, particle size (from nano- to micro-regime) and
concentration. Herein it is demonstrated both theoretically and numerically that the
viscosity, often neglected in the literature, indeed plays a significant role in the
effective properties of nanofluids.
Aeronautical, Automotive, Chemical and Materials Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Published in
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
ALAM, M.M. et al., 2019. Effective dynamic properties of random complex media with spherical particles. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 145 (6), pp. 3727–3740.
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Copyright (2019) Acoustical Society of America. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the Acoustical Society of America.
The following article appeared in ALAM, M.M. et al., 2019. Effective dynamic properties of random complex media with spherical particles. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 145 (6), pp. 3727–3740 and may be found at